8.7 Restrictions
As of 2024, archivists are encouraged to include the following components within restriction notes:
Nature of the restriction (e.g. to protect third-party privacy, includes student information, restricted at the request of the donor)
If a set term restriction is being applied, the calculated end date (e.g. “The following records are restricted until 2035” vs. “The following records are closed for 10 years”)
Direction for researcher questions (e.g. “Please contact the University Archivist for additional information”).
EXAMPLE - J.M. Beattie fonds
All files are open, with the exception of:
Series 1: B2022-0017/001(01) – This file is closed for 10 years until 2033-01-01, at the request of the donor.
Series 3: B2022-0017/005(15)-(18) and B2022-0017_df006 – These files are closed for 30 years until 2053-01-01, to protect third-party privacy.
Please contact the University Archivist for additional information.