8.7 Restrictions

As of 2024, archivists are encouraged to include the following components within restriction notes:

  • Nature of the restriction (e.g. to protect third-party privacy, includes student information, restricted at the request of the donor)

  • If a set term restriction is being applied, the calculated end date (e.g. “The following records are restricted until 2035” vs. “The following records are closed for 10 years”)

  • Direction for researcher questions (e.g. “Please contact the University Archivist for additional information”).

EXAMPLE - J.M. Beattie fonds

All files are open, with the exception of:

  • Series 1: B2022-0017/001(01) – This file is closed for 10 years until 2033-01-01, at the request of the donor.

  • Series 3: B2022-0017/005(15)-(18) and B2022-0017_df006 – These files are closed for 30 years until 2053-01-01, to protect third-party privacy.

Please contact the University Archivist for additional information.